Dell SonicWall Visualization Report
Wanzhang Sheng
Kaiming Yang
Jie Gao
Xi Han
December 12, 2014
Chapter 1
1.1 Project Overview
In this project, we used D3 to build stand-alone prototype visualizations with Dell SonicWALL firewall data
that could be integrated into their Dell SonicWALL Analyzer product. After we learned SonicWALL data format, we
decided to u se wireshark data which is similar to the firewall data of Dell SonicWALL products, and we generate
dashboard, datamaps, and realtime map plot.
Figure 1.1 is the current visualization of data usage o f Dell SonicWALL Analyzer. The analyzer streamlines
and summarizes web traffic and network data. We generated visualizations that could be interated into the
Analyzer product to show near real-time analysis of traffic and network data.
Figure 1.1: Analyzer
Transformation of Data
Figure 1.2 is the transformation of data, the data file size reduced from 1.4MB (left side) to 5.8KB (right side).
This will significantly improve the network performance. The stru cture is just as what we used in D3, so
much less pre-process in user’s browser, which means it’s faster.
Figure 1.2: Transformation of Data Structure
Our Visualizations
Figure 1.3 lists our works, including the website we built for our projects and three visualizations. Using
the dataset we generated from wireshark data, we created a datamap which shows the connection between
source and destination nodes, a dashboard which contains an area chart and a relative sortable table, and a
realtime map plot which visualizes network connections of realtime data received from our backend.
Figure 1.3: Our Website
1.2 Team Overview
1.2.1 Team Members
Our team members are Wanzhang Sheng, Kaiming Yang, Jie Gao and Xi Han.
Wanzhang Sheng is a Computer Science graduate student of University of San Francisco. He has worked on
Ruby on Rails for over four years. Finished internship in Twitter working on Backbone.js.
Jie Gao is a Computer Science student at University of San Francisco. She has experiences in Java and C. She has
built two-layer web service using Java.She used to study Electrical Engineer ing and has worked as a Information
System administrator for over a year.
Xi Han is a Computer Science graduate student of University of San Francisco. He mainly focuses on data
mining and data visualization on several fields using C#, python and javascript libraries. During his internship he
was working on SQL error comparison visualization in Honeywell (China). And he also has experiences working
on protein molecule visualization using OpenGL under his professor.
Kaiming Yang is a Computer Science student at University of San Francisco. He has experiences in many pro-
gramming languages like C/C++, Java and Python. He used to study physics and worked a lot on scientific compu-
1.2.2 Sponsors
Our sponsors are Sophie Engle and Carrie GAtes.
Sophie Engle is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of San Fran-
cisco. Sophie Engle is also the Graduate Director for the Masters in Science in Computer Science (MSCS) program,
and teach courses for the Masters in Science in Analytics (MSAN) program. She is the mentor and one of sponsors
of this project.
Carrie Gates is the Chief Scientist at Dell Research. She received her PhD in May, 2006, and spent the last three
years of her degree working at CERT, Carnegie Mellon University, where she performed research in network secu-
rity. She have also worked on access control for WebSphere while at the IBM Toronto Centre for Advanced Studies
(CAS). Previous to her PhD studies, she have six years of experience in systems administration and management.
She is one of sponsors of this project.
Chapter 2
2.1 Requirements
Design and build visualizations of firewall with following features:
The visualization represent the data accurately.
The visualization will fit the requirement of firewall management.
The visualization represent the data in a clear and modern way.
2.2 Design
The basic idea of our design is that visualizations begin with relatively simple and general infor mation, the
detailed information can be requested by some intuitive interactions. We came up with three visualizations, each
of them is targeting a use case of firewall administration.
2.2.1 Dashboard
Dashboard is way for firewall administrators to grasp the status of a time span in the past. This visualization
contains two views for same set of data: summary table and time plot.
The summary table shows the traffic over sources. Each row represents the traffic from a different source, with
the domain of the sou rce, geometry location of the source and the protocol it use. Each row also include a spark
bar indicate the total traffic of the time span and a spark line indicate the traffic distribution over time. Only top
few sources are shown to save screen space.
The time plot is a stacked area chart which shows the traffic of protocols overtime. Protocols are represented
by colors, which indicated by a legend.
User can query more detailed information by some simple and intuitive interactions. For the time plot, click-
ing on an item of the legend should toggle the visibility of that item; reorder the legend items by drag and drop
should also reorder the chart. When user move mouse over the area chart, the chart under the mouse should be
high-lighted, and clicking mouse on area chart leads to a pop-up chart that shows the distribution and traffic of
protocols at that time. For the summar y table, click on title of each column should sort that column. User may
also select one or more rows which would change the domain of the time plot.
2.2.2 Datamap
Datamap tries to visualize the traffic based o n geometric locations. IPs are plotted on a map as a circle, where
the size indicate the traffic volume and col or distinguish the incoming and out coming data. Arcs on the map
means the activities between IPs, where the thickness shows the traffic volume between the IPs.
2.2.3 Real-time Map Plot
Real-time map plot will help administrators to track events on real time, such as identifying DDOS attack. Like
datamap, IPs and activities are visualized as circles and lines on a map, but size and thickness no longer carry in-
formation. Instead, the color of a edge would turn to green if there are any activities between two IPs and keep grey
if there are no activities. When moving mouse over an edge, two real-time chart will pop-up and lined wi th the
edge to show the detailed traffic between two IPs in past few seconds. To get a better view of the real-time chart,
user can click on the edge to rotate char t to right angle.
Chapter 3
3.1 Results
Our main goal is to improve the sonic-wall product inter face by making several responsive visualizations. The
original visualization they use are not good enough, there are some problems like putting two charts in one co-
ordinate, or using unnecessary 3D visualization. Our approaches are to fix the existing problems and to make it
In the final stage, we successfully make one combined area plot with bar chart attached showing selected de-
tails, an responsive table with sorting and filtering functions and a real-time geographical visualization to track the
network traffic between different locations. These are all created using D3.
Besides, we did some extra works. Since there are functional and performance limitations using D3, we create
another P5.js visualization library in order to make more flexible charts. Although those P5 charts we make are not
in use currently, this library itself is worth further development.
We also create a tool for mapping IP address into longitude and latitude information, a data server to transfer
any real-time firewall data to the visualization and a simulated data back-end to preprocess or cluster the data.
Current enhancement meets the need already, however, if we have time, we may refine our visualization to
pursue more visual consistency by adding more design elements.
3.2 Obstacles
We face plenty of balks during the entire working period.
First of all, getting familiar with Javascript. Unlike web science students, we are basically writing projects using
Java or Python, at the beginning we dont even know the very essential of this web language. We have to try hard,
keep making new simple projects to get use to its syntax and remember the common APIs.
Then, since D3 is a mature visualization framework, we have to spend lots of time on learning its structure.
On the contrary, P5 only provides us very limited graphical functions. If we want to make visualizations using P5,
we almost have to start from nothing. These problems among two different tools are about trade-offs between
efficiency and functionality.
Finally, turn the idea of real-time visualization into reality is incredibly hard. Finding a proper way to transfer
the data between front and back end takes almost two weeks for us to achieve.
And we make introduction videos, we create website to put everything, every day we are learning new staffs.
3.3 Timeline
For the first several weeks, we are working on learning D3, making bar charts and scatter plots using sample
datasets to enhance our skills on manipulating all the visualization tools. Then we start trying Tableau and Wire-
shark to explore the data which is similar to the sonic-wall data. After we understand the basic format of firewall
data, we move on preprocessing the detailed information of it, for example, query the domain and geographical
information and convert it into the format we can easily use.
Once we finish the data part, we break into four individual one to manage different tasks. Wanzhang Shen is
working on the website, Kaiming Yang is making geographical visualization, Michelle Gao is refining the details
and Xi Han is creating P5 components. These are the fundamental bui lding blocks we are going to use in the
following stages.
In the end, right after we finish the development of front end visualization, we move on generating a new back
end to make our map visualization into real-time one. This is quite a new technique so it takes about three weeks
to debug and test. Finally we get it work in the last week.
Chapter 4
Test Plan
To test our visualization, we used two data sets, one "sfgate.csv" that is included in a 330MB zip file captured by
Wireshark published by, another is the data provided to us from dell captured by SonicWall firewall.
We apply these data directly to the visualization when testing dashboard and datamap, while simulate a ser ver
posting data in real-time when testing real-time map plot.
Chapter 5
5.1 Primary Deliverables
Our main deliverables are our demo visualizations and the website we created for this project.
5.1.1 Demo Visualizations
Figure 5.1 aims to create an overview of the network traffic. We limited the result only shows a summary of
top ten connections. It includes two parts. The top one is an area chart shows networking packages over time,
separated by protocols. Users can click on it to show traffic details at the corresponding time. The bottom
one is a sortable table. Each row indicates a different connection by source, destination and protocol, along
with a spark-line to show the trend, and a bar to show the total bytes of the connection. By hovering mouse
over a row, the area chart can change to the subset data correspondingly. And also, users are allowed to select
one single row by a simple click or select multiple rows by holding command/option/shift key with a clicking
to lock the dataset, then users can move their mouses to the area chart to inspect more details.
Figure 5.1: Dashboard
Figure 5.2 is a map visualization. It shows the traffic on a a map. User can switch map scope between
USA and the world. Arcs between cities indicate connections and thicknesses indicate the volumes. Circles
indicate the traffic volume of the city. Cyan for outgoing volume and red for incoming volume. Users can
toggle circles by clicking on the legend.
Figure 5.2: Data-maps
Realtime Map Plot
Figure 5.3 is a map visualization which keeps receiving realtime data from our back-end. Lines on the map
indicate connections. By hovering on any line, users are allowed to inspect details of that connection with
two line charts and two bar charts for both directions. And by clicking, to make it horizontal which is easier
for users to watch the charts.
Figure 5.3: Realtime Map Plot
5.1.2 Website
Because our project is about visualizations, we created a website to show our work at http://sjengle.cs. with Bootstrap. There are several pages on it.
This page shows a brief introduction to this project. Why we worked on this project and the basic timeline
of the whole process.
This page lists all visualizations we created for this project, including all attempts before the final visualiza-
This page shows where did we pick the data for our visualizations, and how we transformed it and mixed
geography information to fit our needs.
This page lists main open-source libraries or visualization tools we used during the development.
This page lists all team members and sponsors with avatars and biographies.
This page shows main deliverables including this report, usage videos and slides used in the final presenta-
Our works are mainly in page Visualizations. We have seven sections list different attempts. In most sections,
every team member has their own attempts. By hovering mouse on any item, it will show a thumbnail of the
visualization correspondingly. By this way, we can explore as wide as we could, to find the best way to visualize the
5.1.3 Code Files
assets/ ................................................................... Assets for pages above
demo/............................................................................ Demo page
g1.js..................................................................Reusable area chart
table.js........................................................... Reusable sortable table
sparkcharts.js ................................................... Reusable spark chart
5.1.4 Source Lines of Code
We use a JavaScript tool SLOC to calculate source-line-of-code:
sloc . exclude " ( jquery | bootstrap | d3 | p5 | tip | modernizr | datamaps ) .
\ . ( j s | css ) | .
\ . ( csv |
json ) | nsa6600 | xihan/ l i b "
This command means when it analytics files, it will exclude files whose filename or pathname matches the
given regular expression. By this, we remove libraries or data we used or generated in the project to make the
result more meaningful and convincing. And the result is in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1: SLOC Result
Physical Source Comment Single-line comment Block comment Mixed Empty Number of files
9978 8226 621 384 238 62 1210 123
5.2 Other Deliverables
5.2.1 Data Files
prepare.rb......................................................Ruby script for preparing data
geoip.csv (11K).................................................G eography information table
sfgate.csv (1.2M) ........................................................... Wireshark data
sfgate_with_geoip.csv (1.6M).............Wireshark data with geography information mixed in
sfgate_summary.csv (3.3K)...............Wireshark data summary of top 10 connections in CSV
sfgate_summary.json (12K)..............Wireshark data summary of top 10 connections in JSON
sfgate_subset.csv (8.3K).................Wireshark subset data with top 10 connections in CSV
sfgate_subset.json (16K) ............... Wireshark subset data with top 10 connections in JSON
nsa6600/......................................................................SonicWall data
merged.csv (240K) ................................................. SonicWall data merged
5.3 Documentation
The usage videos in the Deliverables page are our user documentations, in which we descript our user interface,
our main features, and how to use them. Those videos can also be found on YouTube:
Realtime Map Plot
Data Structure
We also maintained README file for background description and resources links, and Wikis for development
progress notes, on the Github repository.
Chapter 6
During this project, we have learned D3 and basic visualization implementation. We have built built some
basic visualizations such as barchart and scatterplot before we implement geomap visualizations. We have learned
that good visualization requires informative and interactive implementation based on good understanding of the
format of dataset. We learned network data formats from Wireshark and SonicWALL data, and modified original
dataset and generated useful and efficient dataset for visualization of D3. There are some improvements for this
project. We have created visualizations of general network connection, and we could add some analysis in our
visualization. There are lots of techniques we could learn in the future such as choosing color and generating
creative and informative visualization.